Peta Bh. povorka ponosa će se održati 22. juna u Sarajevu pod sloganom „Volim da se ne bojim“. Pozivamo novinare_ke, snimatelje_ke i fotografe_kinje da nam se pridruže i izvještavaju o ovom značajnom događaju za bh. LGBTIQ+ zajednicu! Ako dolazite u timu sa kolegama iz redakcije, potrebno je da svaka osoba pojedinačno popuni ovaj formular. Molimo da se prijavite najkasnije do 17. juna 2023. godine!


The fourth BiH Pride March will be held on the 22th of June in Sarajevo under the slogan “I Love No Fear”. We invite journalists, camera persons and photographers to join us and report on this significant event for bh. LGBTIQ+ community! If you are coming in a team with colleagues from the editorial office, it is necessary for each person to fill in this form individually. We kindly ask all media representatives to complete their registration by 17th of June at latest.



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